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5 registros encontrados (0.00 seg).
  • Una aproximación crítica a la propuesta de fénómenos ionosféricos como precursores sísmicos.
    OAI: open archives initiativeTipo de documento: artículoColección Revistas UCM Colección: Portal de revistas científicas complutenses

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  • Structural evolution of Lavinia Planitia, Venus: Implications for the tectonics of the lowland plains
    OAI: open archives initiativeTipo de documento: artículoColección E-prints Colección: Archivo institucional e-prints complutense
    • Título de publicación: Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1991)
    • Autor: Anguita, Francisco;Fernández, Carlos;Martín Herrero, Álvaro Ignacio;Pimentel, Carlos;Rodríguez, Alberto;Romeo Briones, Ignacio;Ruiz Pérez, Javier
    • Resumen: This work shows the results of a detailed structural analysis of the deformation belts of Lavinia Planitia. Ridge belts and graben and groove belts can be observed at the studied area, while wrinkle ridges and large individual grooves predominate in the smooth plains. Transcurrent
    • components of displacement are commonly observed, and transpression and transtension zones are the rule rather than the exception at most of the studied belts. Along strike azimuth changes of deformation belts are accommodated by internal variations in the predominance of contractional, transcurrent or extensional structures. The material of the surrounding plains embays most of these deformation belts. The kinematic analysis of this complex network of tectonic structures suggests a broadly synchronous activity of contractional, transcurrent and extensional structures. The maximum horizontal shortening axis determined in this work describes a steady, semicircular pattern centered at Alpha Regio. This deformation continued, although with subdued activity, after embayment of the deformation belts by the material of the plains. Future study of the tectonic evolution of the lowland plains should take into account the importance of the coeval history of neighboring uplands and lowlands.
    • Palabras clave: Deformation belts, Lavinia Planitia, Lowlands, Venus, Tectonic evolution
    • Materia: Geología
    • Identificador OAI:
    • Tipo: Artículo
    • Editorial: Rosen Pub. Group
    • Departamento: Fac. de CC. Geológicas - Depto. de Geodinámica
    • ISSN: 1054-1381
    • CDU: 550.2

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  • P-T evolution of eclogites from the Agualada Unit ( Ordenes Complex, northwest Iberian Massif, Spain) : Implications for crustal subduction
    OAI: open archives initiativeTipo de documento: artículoColección E-prints Colección: Archivo institucional e-prints complutense

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  • Rhizolith balls from the Lower Cretaceous of Patagonia: Just roots or the oldest evidence of insect agriculture?
    OAI: open archives initiativeTipo de documento: artículoColección E-prints Colección: Archivo institucional e-prints complutense
    • Título de publicación: Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
    • Autor: Alonso-Zarza, Ana María;Genise, J.F.
    • Resumen: A new type of trace fossil from the Lower Cretaceous of Patagonia that may record the oldest evidence of insect agriculture is represented by biconvex, sub-spherical, carbonate balls composed of a dense mass of rhizoliths. The best preserved balls show an external wall, a tunnel entrance, and vertical, large rhizoliths crossing from top to base, from which a
    • mass of smaller rhizoliths arise. In some cases there is a pelletal surface texture in internal layers of the wall. Some specimens show meniscate tubes attributed to organisms different than the constructors of the chambers, probably attracted by the original organic matter. Micromorphology, analyzed by thin sections and SEM, shows strong evidence of high fungal activity associated to the original roots. Four different hypotheses are analyzed to explain the origin of the balls. The less probable ones are either that the balls were produced only by a self induced and localised overgrowth of secondary and tertiary rootlets from a group of neighbouring primary roots, or that they were crayfishes' feeding chambers. Rhizolith arrangement, as well as other characters, essentially rule out both hypotheses. The hypotheses involving social insects, termites and ants, are more risky, considering the lack of support from the body fossil record, the biogeography of these extant insects, and particularly the lack of definitive evidence of discrete fungus or bacterial gardens in the balls. However, the trace fossils described herein partially resemble the nests and behaviour of the African termite Sphaerothermes sphaerothorax, particularly because of the presence of roots inside a thick lined chamber excavated around them to cultivate bacterial combs. The ant origin of these balls is at least a hypothesis to explore considering the size, shape, wall, entrance tunnel, presence of traces of associated organisms, and particularly roots. The roots and wall relate these balls to hypothesised scenarios for the origin of fungus agriculture in ants. One hypothesis suggests that primitive Attini developed fungus agriculture from the habit of feeding on fungi associated with roots (mycorrhizae) and still other proposes that adventitious fungi on nest walls were responsible for the arise of fungiculture. The balls would supply physical evidence that by the lower Cretaceous some social insects excavated chambers around uncut roots, which in turn provided optimal conditions for fungi development. These rhizolith balls possibly constitute the oldest physical evidence for the origin of fungiculture in social insects, and represent a critical contribution of ichnology to this hot topic intensively discussed on the basis of a scattered body fossil record and molecular phylogeny
    • Palabras clave: Rhizolith balls, Cretaceous,Patagonia, Insect trace fossils, Insect agriculture
    • Materia: Geología; Geología
    • Identificador OAI:
    • Tipo: Artículo
    • Editorial: Elsevier
    • Departamento: Fac. de CC. Geológicas - Depto. de Petrología y Geoquímica
    • ISSN: 0031-0182
    • CDU: 551.763.1(828):56.016.4

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  • Análisis de los minerales de la arcilla y sus procesos genéticos en las formaciones arcillosas de la Cuenca del Tajo.
    OAI: open archives initiativeTipo de documento: artículoColección E-prints Colección: Archivo institucional e-prints complutense
    • Título de publicación: Estudios Geológicos
    • Autor: Brell , J.M.;Domínguez Díez, M.C.;Doval, Mercedes;García Romero, Emilia
    • Resumen: Se han estudiado seis sondeos, realizados en la cuenca neógena del Tajo, con el fin de conocer los procesos genéticos de los materiales arcillosos de la cuenca. Estos sondeos cortan facies correspondientes a distintos ambientes deposicionales. La evolución observada puede relacionarse con dos etapas distintas de sedimentación. La primera corresponde a la sedimentación
    • de la Unidad de Yesos; la asociación de minerales de arcilla en esta unidad está constituida principalmente por illita, menores contenidos de esmectita, interestratificados I/Sm, Cl/Sm, Glauconita/Sm, palygorskita y clorita. El origen de esta asociación es en parte detrítica y en parte neoformada; los aportes detríticos corresponden a illita y esmectita, mientras que los minerales neoformados son principalmente illita e interestratificados, clorita y palygorskita. Esta etapa se caracteriza por la existencia de procesos de illitización. En la segunda etapa de sedimentación (Unidad de Arcillas Verdes), se observa un incremento de los aportes detríticos y una evolución hacia condiciones de menor salinidad. El ambiente de formación de esta unidad se encuentra enriquecido en magnesio y los minerales de la arcilla más característicos de las facies que componen dicha unidad son las esmectitas magnésicas (saponita y estevensita) y, en menor proporción, los interestratificados Cl/Sm. Esta asociación mineralógica se origina por la reacción entre las partículas detríticas arcillosas y los cationes del medio. [ABSTRACT] The Tagus Basin is an intramontanous basin that had an important sedimentary activity during the Neogene. Six drill boreholes have been studied; these boreholes pierce through facies corresponding to different depositional environments. Such sedimentary environments correspond to different sedimentation stages. During each stage the basin shows areas with different geochemical gradients which rule the neoformation and transformation processes of the detrital particles that reach it. A first stage corresponds to the sedimentation of the Gypsum Unit. Clay minerals during this stage are mainly illites, with minor contents of smectite, I/Sm, Cl/Sm, Glauconite/Sm, palygorskite and chlorite. The origin of such association is partly detrital and partly neoformational. Detrital contribution is composed by illite and smectite. Neoformed minerals are mainly illite and mixed-layer I/Sm, chlorite and palygorskite. This stage is characterised by illitization processes. The second sedimentation stage corresponds to the Green Clays Unit which shows an increase in detrital supply, the environment is enriched in magnesium and silica. The most characteristic clay minerals of these facies are magnesium smectites (saponites and stevensites) and, to a lesser extent, mixed-layer Cl/Sm. The mineralogical assemblage of this unit must have been originated by reaction between detrital clay particles and cations in the sedimentary environment.
    • Palabras clave: Cuenca del Tajo, Saponita, Interestratificados, Sepiolita, Illitización, The Basin Tagus, Saponite, Sepiolhe, Illitization.
    • Materia: Geología
    • Identificador OAI:
    • Tipo: Artículo
    • Editorial: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
    • Departamento: Fac. de CC. Geológicas - Depto. de Cristalografía y Mineralogía (Planta 6)
    • ISSN: 0367-0449
    • CDU: 549.6(282.246.23)

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