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  • Integración europea y Derecho internacional privado
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Revista de Derecho comunitario europeo
    • Auteur: De Miguel Asensio, Pedro Alberto
    • Résumé: La unificación de las normas de DIPr constituye un valioso mecanismo de integración en el seno de la Comunidad Europea, cuyo potencial resulta reforzado habida cuenta de las limitaciones de la comunitarización de las normas de Derecho privado material. ---- The reassessment of the role assigned to private international law in the context of European integration is linked
    • to the limitations which private law unification has in the EC. The degree of legal certainty of private transactions that is required to guarantee the good functioning of an integrated area can be achieved by the establishment of uniform choice-of-law rules, with no need of substantive law unification. Such an approach is fully consistent with the basic principles of the Community -arts. 3.h) and 3(B) EC Treaty-. Moreover it safeguards the cultural identity of the Member States and ensures the benefits of competition between legal orders. Notwithstanding the deficiencies of choice-of-law rules as instruments of legal integration, the similarities between the legal orders considered reduce in the Community the shortcomings traditionally linked to the international unification of choice-of -law rules. Although the rules contained in international conventions continue to be very significant, the criteria established in some directives to fix the applicability of its rules to private international relationships deserve special attention. Moreover, Spanish practice shows the uncertainty risks which are linked to the use of directives as a means to harmonize rules of private international law. In this field the trend in the Community must lead to unification (not just harmonization). Otherwise the achievement of the degree of legal certainty required will be at risk. Far reaching consequences on the contents and functioning of the systems of private international law of the Member States derive from the non-discrimination principle and especially from the Community freedoms.
    • Mots-clés: Integración europea, Unificación jurídica, Reglas de conflicto, Derecho privado europeo European Integration, Legal Unification, Choice of Law Rules, European Private Law
    • Matière: Derecho; Derecho
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Département: Fac. de Derecho - Depto. de Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado
    • ISSN: 1138-4026

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  • Ius Commune y Common Law
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection Revistas UCM Collection: Complutense portail de revues scientifiques

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  • Spain (Intellectual Property and Private International Law)
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: sección de libroCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Auteur: De Miguel Asensio, Pedro Alberto
    • Résumé: SECTION I: GENERAL OVERVIEW 1. LEGAL SOURCES 1.1. Intellectual Property 1.1.1. International Conventions 1.1.2. EU Law: Approximation of Laws and Community Rights 1.1.3. National Legislation 1.1.4. Institutional Competences 1.2. International Jurisdiction 1.2.1. EU Law: Scope of Application and Grounds of Jurisdiction 1.2.2. International Conventions 1.2.3. National Legislation 1.3. Choice-of-Law 1.3.1. International Conventions 1.3.2.
    • EU Law: Implications of the new Regulations 1.3.3. National Legislation 1.4. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 1.4.1. International Conventions 1.4.2. EU Law 1.4.3. National Legislation 2. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW 2.1. International Jurisdiction 2.1.1. Infringement Claims 2.1.2. Contractual Disputes 2.1.3. Exclusive Jurisdiction on Validity of Rights Subject to Registration 2.2. Applicable Law 2.2.1. Infringement of IP Rights 2.2.2. Territoriality and lex loci protectionis 2.2.3. Contracts Relating to Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights 2.3. Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments 2.3.1 Procedural Issues 2.3.2 Grounds for Non-Recognition SECTION II: HYPOTHETICAL CASE STUDIES Case 1. General Special Grounds of Jurisdiction Case 2. Subject-Matter Jurisdiction Case 3. Consolidation of Proceedings Case 4. Choice of Court Case 5. Parallel Proceedings Case 6. Principle of Territoriality (Choice of Law) Case 7. Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights Case 8. Applicable Law to Initial Ownership Case 9. Applicable Law to the Transfer of Rights Agreements Case 10. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Case 11. Provisional Measures and Injunctions
    • Mots-clés: Spain, Intellectual Property, Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments
    • Matière: Derecho; Derecho
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Sección de libro
    • Éditorial: Hart Publishing
    • Département: Fac. de Derecho - Depto. de Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado
    • ISBN: 978-1-84946-231-0
    • CDU: 341.9

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  • La filosofía del derecho y el derecho natural en los planes de estudio de las Facultades de Derecho de España (I)
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection Revistas UCM Collection: Complutense portail de revues scientifiques

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  • La filosofía del Derecho y el Derecho natural en los planes de estudio de las Facultades de Derecho de España (II)
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection Revistas UCM Collection: Complutense portail de revues scientifiques

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  • Social Networking Sites: An Overview of Applicable Law Issues
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Annali italiani del diritto d'autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo (AIDA)
    • Auteur: De Miguel Asensio, Pedro Alberto
    • Résumé: Social Networking Sites (SNS) as global providers of Internet services raise new challenges in the field of conflict of laws. The most prominent service providers have their headquarters in the US and their business models allow them to offer global services to users around the world under the same terms or conditions. SNS providers typically
    • have recourse to standard terms intended to be applicable to all their users and include choice of forum and choice of law clauses in favour of US courts and US laws. Against this background, the present contribution analyzes applicable law issues raised by social networking sites from the perspective of the European Union (and its Member States). The article addresses the position of SNS providers in the light of the EU harmonization rules on e-commerce and the influence of the place of establishment in the scope of obligations imposed on them. Also the law applicable to the agreements concluded with users is discussed focusing on the implications of their possible characterization as consumer contracts and on the aspects related to the formation of the contract. Determining the law applicable to online activities involving SNS is also essential for the protection of rights and interests of third parties, in particular with regard to intellectual property and personality rights. Additionally, the effective enforcement of EU law to Internet activities in key areas such as data protection requires now determining the mandatory scope of international application of EU or national law with respect to the activities of SNS.
    • Mots-clés: social networks, contracts, data protection, consumers, personality rights, intellectual property, intermediary service providers, applicable law
    • Matière: Derecho; Derecho; Derecho; Derecho
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Éditorial: Giuffrè Editore
    • Département: Fac. de Derecho - Depto. de Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado

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  • Social Networking Sites: An Overview of Applicable Law Issues
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Annali italiani del diritto d'autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo (AIDA)
    • Auteur: De Miguel Asensio, Pedro Alberto
    • Résumé: Social Networking Sites (SNS) as global providers of Internet services raise new challenges in the field of conflict of laws. The most prominent service providers have their headquarters in the US and their business models allow them to offer global services to users around the world under the same terms or conditions. SNS providers typically
    • have recourse to standard terms intended to be applicable to all their users and include choice of forum and choice of law clauses in favour of US courts and US laws. Against this background, the present contribution analyzes applicable law issues raised by social networking sites from the perspective of the European Union (and its Member States). The article addresses the position of SNS providers in the light of the EU harmonization rules on e-commerce and the influence of the place of establishment in the scope of obligations imposed on them. Also the law applicable to the agreements concluded with users is discussed focusing on the implications of their possible characterization as consumer contracts and on the aspects related to the formation of the contract. Determining the law applicable to online activities involving SNS is also essential for the protection of rights and interests of third parties, in particular with regard to intellectual property and personality rights. Additionally, the effective enforcement of EU law to Internet activities in key areas such as data protection requires now determining the mandatory scope of international application of EU or national law with respect to the activities of SNS.
    • Mots-clés: Social networks, Contracts, Data protection, Consumers, Personality rights, Intellectual property, Intermediary service providers, Applicable law
    • Matière: Derecho; Derecho; Derecho; Derecho
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Éditorial: Giuffrè Editore
    • Département: Fac. de Derecho - Depto. de Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado
    • CDU: 341.9:316.635:347.788.1

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  • The Future of Uniform Private Law in the European Union: New Trends and Challenges
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Spanish Yearbook of International Law
    • Auteur: De Miguel Asensio, Pedro Alberto
    • Résumé: This article discusses the limits of Community legislation as a source of uniform law and stresses the difficulties raised by the projects to codify private law in the European Union. Such an approach may be appropriate in the present state of Community integration if limited to rules of mandatory contract law and provisions of Private International Law. Further unification of
    • private law in Europe requires also significant changes in the institutional framework to create uniform rules and the development of new regulatory techniques. --- Este artículo analiza las carencias de la legislación comunitaria como fuente para la unificación del Derecho privado, destacando las deficiencias de los proyectos de una codificación de amplio alcance del Derecho privado en el seno de la UE. Una pretensión de ese tipo parece apropiada en el estado actual de la integración comunitaria si su alcance se limita a normas de Derecho contractual imperativo así como de Derecho internacional privado. Una mayor unificación del Derecho privado en Europa exige además importantes adaptaciones del marco institucional para la creación de tales normas comunes.
    • Mots-clés: Private Law, Unification, Institutional Framework, Regulatory Techniques, Derecho privado, Unificación, Marco institucional, Mecanismos de regulación
    • Matière: Derecho; Derecho; Derecho
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Département: Fac. de Derecho - Depto. de Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado
    • ISSN: 0928-0634

    [Recurso visitado 36 veces]


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  • El futuro del derecho privado uniforme en la Unión Europea: nuevas tendencias y retos
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Spanish Yearbook of International Law
    • Auteur: De Miguel Asensio, Pedro Alberto
    • Résumé: Este artículo analiza las carencias de la legislación comunitaria como fuente para la unificación del Derecho privado, destacando las deficiencias de los proyectos de una codificación de amplio alcance del Derecho privado en el seno de la UE. Una pretensión de ese tipo parece apropiada en el estado actual de la integración comunitaria si su alcance se limita a normas de Derecho
    • contractual imperativo así como de Derecho internacional privado. Una mayor unificación del Derecho privado en Europa exige además importantes adaptaciones del marco institucional para la creación de tales normas comunes. ABSTRACT This article discusses the limits of Community legislation as a source of uniform law and stresses the difficulties raised by the projects to codify private law in the European Union. Such an approach may be appropriate in the present state of Community integration if limited to rules of mandatory contract law and provisions of Private International Law. Further unification of private law in Europe requires also significant changes in the institutional framework to create uniform rules and the development of new regulatory techniques.
    • Mots-clés: Derecho privado, unificación, marco institucional, mecanismos de regulación ----- Private Law, Unification, Institutional Framework, Regulatory Techniques
    • Matière: Derecho; Derecho; Derecho
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Département: Fac. de Derecho - Depto. de Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado
    • ISSN: 0928-0634
    • Notes: Texto en español del artículo original publicado en inglés

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  • La Filosofía del Derecho y el Derecho natural en los planes de estudio de las Facultades de Derecho de España (y III)
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection Revistas UCM Collection: Complutense portail de revues scientifiques

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