Collection Digital Complutense




6 résultats (0.00 seconde).
  • ADP-ribosyltransferases: plastic tools for inactivating protein and small molecular weight targets
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Journal of Biotechnology
    • Auteur: Bazan, Fernando;Haag, Friedrich;Koch-Nolte, Friedrich;Reche, Pedro A
    • Résumé: ADP-ribosyltransferases (ADPRTs) form an interesting class of enzymes with well-established roles as potent bacterial toxins and metabolic regulators. ADPRTs catalyze the transfer of the ADP-ribose moiety from NAD(+) onto specific substrates including proteins. ADP-ribosylation usually inactivates the function of the target. ADPRTs have become adapted to
    • function in extra- and intracellular settings. Regulation of ADPRT activity can be mediated by ligand binding to associated regulatory domains, proteolytic cleavage, disulphide bond reduction, and association with other proteins. Crystallisation has revealed a conserved core set of elements that define an unusual minimal scaffold of the catalytic domain with remarkably plastic sequence requirements--only a single glutamic acid residue critical to catalytic activity is invariant. These inherent properties of ADPRTs suggest that the ADPRT catalytic fold is an attractive, malleable subject for protein design.
    • Mots-clés: ADP-ribosylation; Bacterial toxins; Amino acid sequence alignment; Sequence homology; Structure prediction; Protein design
    • Matière: Biología; Biología; Informática
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Éditorial: Elsevier
    • Département: Fac. de Medicina - Depto. de Microbiología I
    • ISSN: 1873-4863

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  • Human epithelial cells trigger dendritic cell mediated allergic inflammation by producing TSLP.
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Nature immunology
    • Auteur: Abrams, Jon;Antonenko, Svetlana;Bazan, Fernando;Edward, Gina;Gilliet, Michel;Gorman, Daniel;Ho, Steve;Homey, Bernhart;Kanzler, Holger;Kastelein, Robert A.;Lauerma, Annti;Liu, Yong-Jun;McClanahan, Terri;Menon, Satish;Reche, Pedro A;Smith, Kathleen;Soumelis, Vassili;Waal-Malefyt, Rene de;Yuan, Wei;Zurawski, Sandra M.
    • Résumé: Whether epithelial cells play a role in triggering the immune cascade leading to T helper 2 (T(H)2)-type allergic
    • inflammation is not known. We show here that human thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) potently activated CD11c(+) dendritic cells (DCs) and induced production of the T(H)2-attracting chemokines TARC (thymus and activation-regulated chemokine; also known as CCL17) and MDC (macrophage-derived chemokine; CCL22). TSLP-activated DCs primed naïve T(H) cells to produce the proallergic cytokines interleukin 4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-13 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, while down-regulating IL-10 and interferon-gamma. TSLP was highly expressed by epithelial cells, especially keratinocytes from patients with atopic dermatitis. TSLP expression was associated with Langerhans cell migration and activation in situ. These findings shed new light on the function of human TSLP and the role played by epithelial cells and DCs in initiating allergic inflammation.
    • Matière: Biología; Medicina
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Éditorial: Nature Publishing Group
    • Département: Fac. de Medicina - Depto. de Microbiología I
    • ISSN: 1529-2908

    [Recurso visitado 76 veces]


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  • Human thymic stromal lymphopoietin preferentially stimulates myeloid cells
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
    • Auteur: Bazan, Fernando;Clifford, T;Gorman, D M;Johnston, J;Kastelein, Robert A.;Liu, MR;Liu, Yong-Jun;Reche, Pedro A;Soumelis, Vassili;Spits, H;Travis, M;Waal-Malefyt, Rene de;Zurawski, Sandra M.
    • Résumé: The sequence of a novel hemopoietic cytokine was discovered in a computational screen of genomic databases, and its homology to mouse thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) suggests that it is the human orthologue. Human
    • TSLP is proposed to signal through a heterodimeric receptor complex that consists of a new member of the hemopoietin family termed human TSLP receptor and the IL-7R alpha-chain. Cells transfected with both receptor subunits proliferated in response to purified, recombinant human TSLP, with induced phosphorylation of Stat3 and Stat5. Human TSLPR and IL-7Ralpha are principally coexpressed on monocytes and dendritic cell populations and to a much lesser extent on various lymphoid cells. In accord, we find that human TSLP functions mainly on myeloid cells; it induces the release of T cell-attracting chemokines from monocytes and, in particular, enhances the maturation of CD11c(+) dendritic cells, as evidenced by the strong induction of the costimulatory molecules CD40 and CD80 and the enhanced capacity to elicit proliferation of naive T cells.
    • Matière: Biología; Biología; Medicina
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Département: Fac. de Medicina - Depto. de Microbiología I
    • ISSN: 0022-1767

    [Recurso visitado 80 veces]


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  • Retratos de los españoles ilustres :
    Document Format: IMAGEDocument Type: libroCollection Dioscorides Collection: Dioscoride digital bibliothèque
    • Langue: Español
    • Année: 1791
    • Ville: Madrid
    • Pays: España
    • Série: Geografía e Historia; Grabados
    • Siehe Katalog Cisne

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  • In silico characterization of the family of PARP-like poly(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (pARTs)
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: BMC genomics
    • Auteur: Bazan, Fernando;Dittmar, Katharina;Haag, Friedrich;Koch-Nolte, Friedrich;Otto, Helge;Reche, Pedro A
    • Résumé: BACKGROUND: ADP-ribosylation is an enzyme-catalyzed posttranslational protein modification in which mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (mARTs) and poly(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (pARTs) transfer the ADP-ribose moiety from NAD onto specific amino acid side chains and/or ADP-ribose units on target proteins. RESULTS: Using a combination of database
    • search tools we identified the genes encoding recognizable pART domains in the public genome databases. In humans, the pART family encompasses 17 members. For 16 of these genes, an orthologue exists also in the mouse, rat, and pufferfish. Based on the degree of amino acid sequence similarity in the catalytic domain, conserved intron positions, and fused protein domains, pARTs can be divided into five major subgroups. All six members of groups 1 and 2 contain the H-Y-E trias of amino acid residues found also in the active sites of Diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas exotoxin A, while the eleven members of groups 3 - 5 carry variations of this motif. The pART catalytic domain is found associated in Lego-like fashion with a variety of domains, including nucleic acid-binding, protein-protein interaction, and ubiquitylation domains. Some of these domain associations appear to be very ancient since they are observed also in insects, fungi, amoebae, and plants. The recently completed genome of the pufferfish T. nigroviridis contains recognizable orthologues for all pARTs except for pART7. The nearly completed albeit still fragmentary chicken genome contains recognizable orthologues for twelve pARTs. Simpler eucaryotes generally contain fewer pARTs: two in the fly D. melanogaster, three each in the mosquito A. gambiae, the nematode C. elegans, and the ascomycete microfungus G. zeae, six in the amoeba E. histolytica, nine in the slime mold D. discoideum, and ten in the cress plant A. thaliana. GenBank contains two pART homologues from the large double stranded DNA viruses Chilo iridescent virus and Bacteriophage Aeh1 and only a single entry (from V. cholerae) showing recognizable homology to the pART-like catalytic domains of Diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas exotoxin A. CONCLUSION: The pART family, which encompasses 17 members in the human and 16 members in the mouse, can be divided into five subgroups on the basis of sequence similarity, phylogeny, conserved intron positions, and patterns of genetically fused protein domains.
    • Matière: Biología; Biología; Informática
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Département: Fac. de Medicina - Depto. de Microbiología I
    • ISSN: 1471-2164

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  • The family of toxin-related ecto-ADP-ribosyltransferases in humans and the mouse.
    OAI: open archives initiativeDocument Type: artículoCollection E-prints Collection: Institutionnelle E-prints Complutense Archives
    • Titre de la publication: Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society
    • Auteur: Bazan, Fernando;Braren, Rickmer;Cetkovic-Cvrlje, Marina;Firner, Kathrin;Glowacki, Gustavo;Haag, Friedrich;Koch-Nolte, Friedrich;Kühl, Maren;Leiter, Edward;Nissen, Marion;Reche, Pedro A
    • Résumé: ADP-ribosyltransferases including toxins secreted by Vibrio cholera, Pseudomonas aerurginosa, and other pathogenic bacteria inactivate the function of human target proteins by attaching ADP-ribose onto a critical
    • amino acid residue. Cross-species polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and database mining identified the orthologs of these ADP-ribosylating toxins in humans and the mouse. The human genome contains four functional toxin-related ADP-ribosyltransferase genes (ARTs) and two related intron-containing pseudogenes; the mouse has six functional orthologs. The human and mouse ART genes map to chromosomal regions with conserved linkage synteny. The individual ART genes reveal highly restricted expression patterns, which are largely conserved in humans and the mouse. We confirmed the predicted extracellular location of the ART proteins by expressing recombinant ARTs in insect cells. Two human and four mouse ARTs contain the active site motif (R-S-EXE) typical of arginine-specific ADP-ribosyltransferases and exhibit the predicted enzyme activities. Two other human ARTs and their murine orthologues deviate in the active site motif and lack detectable enzyme activity. Conceivably, these ARTs may have acquired a new specificity or function. The position-sensitive iterative database search program PSI-BLAST connected the mammalian ARTs with most known bacterial ADP-ribosylating toxins. In contrast, no related open reading frames occur in the four completed genomes of lower eucaryotes (yeast, worm, fly, and mustard weed). Interestingly, these organisms also lack genes for ADP-ribosylhydrolases, the enzymes that reverse protein ADP-ribosylation. This suggests that the two enzyme families that catalyze reversible mono-ADP-ribosylation either were lost from the genomes of these nonchordata eucaryotes or were subject to horizontal gene transfer between kingdoms.
    • Mots-clés: ADP-ribosylation; recombinant proteins; PSI-BLAST; orthologous genes; paralogous gene; cross-species PCR; ADP-Ribosylation; Recombinant proteins; PSI-BLAST; Orthologous genes; Paralogous gene; Cross-species PCR; Database searches
    • Matière: Biología; Biología; Informática
    • OAI Identificateur:
    • Type: Artículo
    • Département: Fac. de Medicina - Depto. de Microbiología I
    • ISSN: 0961-8368

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